Trying to think of a name for my show of paintings, Denise suggested, Tapestry Embrace, a poster I had made for our collaborative shop, Price Good Market Inc. I double-checked with her later, ‘Are you sure? I feel like that’s sort of proprietary content or something for our project? Is that dumb?:))” - ’‘Oh my God, no! You should totally use it!’ she e-mailed, ‘ It’s part of our project but that shouldn’t be a closed bubble. I think it would be a really, really awesome name for your show!!”
So, as I started seriously considering it, I went back (virtually, of course) to the place I found it, Zen Palate (the fancy dining room) in the Theater district, where I had spotted it on a menu: ‘Tapestry Embrace,’ it stated, was, ‘Grilled seitan (soy) steak and shiitake mushroom in teriyaki sauce, garnished with grilled zucchini, yellow squash and a banana-leaf filled rice cone.
’Which is funny, cause I could have sworn it said, at the time, something about a wrap, and the sides of the wrap enclosing the ingredients in an ‘embrace.’ Oh well.
A little disappointed and still not sure, I Googled Tapestry Embrace, and came up with a show that took place in April 2009 at B.J. Spoke Gallery in Huntington, New York. The show featured work by Elinor Schoenfeld, (curated by Eric Gottesman and Elinor Schoenfeld) and the listing said: Tapestry Embrace – A mixed media show celebrating life in color, shape, and texture featuring fluid acrylic painting, mixed media multiple canvas paintings and photographs.Other possible titles for the show are OVER-SMILE and ‘Damany means bright future to you!’
-Gina Beavers
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