Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Kristina Lee & Annie Pearlman: The Broadway Boogie Woogie Opens Monday, February 18th

Malraux’s Place is happy to present The Broadway Boogie Woogie, an exhibition of new paintings by Kristina Lee and Annie Pearlman. There will be a reception for the artists with drinks and music by RAF on Monday, February 18th from 7 - 9 pm. 

Both Lee and Pearlman represent the human body as enmeshed in a schema of control. 

Lee entraps her figures within a surface of design. However her brushstrokes antagonize the formal order of her compositions. They are primordial ferns, low hanging vines, all of that wildness which encroaches when a good painting refuses to mow its lawn. Machetes drawn, her masked heroines rhythmically hack their way through the underbrush. This dance is the tense oscillation between carving a path of transcendence and the art of landscaping.

In Pearlman’s work landscaping itself is the ordering principle which must be escaped. We discover her figures in manicured parks, those saccharine baby pictures of the little twins Nature and Culture. She depicts the “practices which an urbanistic system was supposed to administer or suppress, but which have outlived its decay.”[] In short, disco dancing under a street lamp.

If, as the French say, the body as multiplicity, is a “unity of domination”, might the body as multiplicity also be a nightclub? The name of this particular nightclub is The Broadway Boogie Woogie.

[] Michel de Certeau, The Practice of Everyday Life, (Los Angeles, 1984) p. 160


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